Scrims Warzone Duos - Feb 26, 2022

Warzone Pacific Duos
Scrims Center is hosting a Warzone Duos event on Saturday, Feb 26th. Sign up with a teammate or solo and we will match you with another player. Competition will be in custom lobbies awarding points for kills and placement.
Doors open at 2pm with an open competition starting at 3pm. Top finishers will receive a cash prize!
Your tournament registration fee includes your game time. After the competition, players will be able to continue playing until the venue closes at midnight.
The total prize pool will depend on the number of registrations, but we are guaranteeing $100 with a minimum of 10 attendees (5 teams)
What to Bring
Warzone account login information.
Wired controller
Wired headset (optional - we have headsets you can use.)
Register for our February 26th event below. Registration will be open through the day of the event. Refunds are available up to 48 hours prior.
Scrims is located at
2000 Ogden Ave in Lisle, IL. If you have any questions, please contact us via email at or use our contact form here.
*Any users playing in the center must have a Scrims Gaming Account to use our computers. You can sign up for one at our location or click here to pre-register online.*