Start Game
The Scrims Center Foundation
Start Game, the Scrims Center Foundation, is a nonprofit 501c3 charity dedicated to bringing the benefits of video gaming and esports to low-income and other groups with limited access in the Chicago metropolitan area. Start Game also provides education and experience to introduce opportunities and foster career readiness in the fast-growing gaming and esports industry.
Our mission is to create opportunities for under-served youth to have a future career in gaming and esports
The Start Game After School Club meets weekly at Scrims Esports Gaming Center in Lisle, IL. In addition to recreational video gaming, participants receive esports training and learn about the educational and career opportunities in the gaming and esports industry.
The Start Game After School Club is for community-based human service organizations dedicated to providing educational and career support to low income and under-served groups. Enrollment and participation is free.
If you are interested in receiving additional information, please contact us at