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LAN Center Consulting and
Franchise Opportunities

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LOVE GAMING and have that entrepreneurial spirit?  Scrims Center can help you open your own LAN gaming center or become a Scrims Center franchisee.


With over 30 years of experience in the sports and entertainment industry, Catherine Sarrett is the President of Strategic Venue Studies and has a Master of Business Administration from the Wharton School. She has provided feasibility studies and business planning services to venues throughout North America.  Joseph Moseley is a former collegiate CS:GO player and is a graduate of the University of Miami School of Business. As the owners of Scrims Esports Gaming Center, Joseph and Catherine have first-hand experience launching and running a successful LAN center operation.

LAN Center Consulting Services are phased to allow you pick and choose which services you would like us to perform. Evaluate the market for your proposed center, understand its earnings potential, and discuss general operational characteristics before engaging in site selection, formal business planning, and  development services.

PHASE 1  - Market Analysis & Preliminary Pro Forma ($3,000)

The first steps! Let's discuss how LAN centers operate and get your questions answered. Upon determining up to 3 general locations for a center, we will prepare a market analysis, evaluating and comparing the market suitability of each location. This phase culminates with a first look at a model of financial operations and a conceptual development budget, so that you can make an informed decision about whether to move ahead to the next phase.

PHASE 2 - Site Selection & Business Plan Preparation ($5,000)

Let's Plan! We will help you evaluate multiple properties for suitability, identifying the strengths and weaknesses of each property in a variety of quantitative and qualitative metrics. Building on the Phase 1 Market Analysis and Pro Forma, we will prepare a fully documented written Business Plan that will be suitable for securing funding and obtaining the necessary local business permits. An expanded operating pro forma will include center operations as well as debt service and working capital needs. The development budget will be refined based on specific property characteristics. 

PHASE 3 - Planning & Project Management Services ($4,000)

Moving ahead! With an operating plan and funding identified, it is time to engage a designer to prepare the construction documents needed to secure building permits and zoning. We will assist in this process and work with your selected architect/engineer in designing the interior components and building systems for your center. If necessary, we will prepare presentation materials that you will need to obtain City approvals.

PHASE 4 - LAN Center Operations Set-up ($2,500)

Time to open! There is much to be done to get a LAN center ready for gamers. Let us help by programming your LAN management software and setting up your operating protocols. We will help you select and install your game inventory, program your retail marketplace, and establish staff operating procedures. We will also train you and your staff and provide ongoing support during the first few months of operation.

Franchise Opportunities

Let's talk!  Scrims Center is looking to expand its established brand to cities throughout the US.  As a Scrims Center Franchisee, you will get all of the above services plus ongoing operational support, use of Scrims Center's brand and marketing materials, and access to our event management protocols.

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